Conventional and Advanced Methods of NDE

We offer Complete NDE Solutions through a broad range of services in the fields of Conventional and Advanced Methods of NDE (Non-Destructive Examination), Asset Integrity, Engineering, Consulting, and Regulatory and Code Compliance to the upstream, midstream, and downstream segments of the oil and gas industry.

Our service lines will continue to diversify and expand based on technological advances in our industry.

Services are provided both onshore and offshore, domestic and foreign, with highly skilled, multi-certified personnel to provide onsite services at fabrication yards, spool bases, offshore facilities, pipeline construction sites, lay barges, deepwater construction vessels, compressor stations, pressure vessel shops, aboveground storage tanks, process piping facilities, shipyards, paper mills, chemical plants, gas, coal, and nuclear power plants, petroleum refineries, and related processing facilities.
Acoustic Imaging
Laser Cleaning Services
Eddy Current / PECI
Ferrite Testing
Guided Ultrasonic Long Wave
Liquid Penetrant
Magnetic Particle
NORM Surveys
Phased Array
Positive Material Identification
Post Weld Heat Treat of Weldments
Fugitive Gas Emission Surveys
Mechanical and Electrical Surveys
Rope Access Services
Visual Inspection
Vacuum Box Testing
Ultrasound / TOFD
Level III NDE Auditing Services
Mechanical Integrity / Risk-Based Assessment Services & Software Programs
Cathodic Protection Survey of Tanks, Pipelines, Offshore Facilities & Related Piping
Real-Time Ultrasonic Corrosion Mapping for Direct Assessment & Erosion Corrosion Surveys
PA-CAT™ Phased Array - Composite Angle Technique for contact point corrosion / corrosion under pipe supports (CUPS)
Creaform 3D Laser

Olivier International®also installs and maintains the Synexis® BioDefense System for Olivier Biodefense®

Synexis® is the sole developer of innovative Dry Hydrogen Peroxide (DHP™) that fights viruses, bacteria, mold, odors, and insects. DHP™ attacks microbes both in the air and on surfaces. Made from naturally occurring elements already in the air, DHP™ is designed to safely and effectively break down pathogens—flowing freely and continuously through indoor spaces to reduce the presence of microbes in the air and on surfaces, with no reliance on the exchange of air and without anyone ever needing to leave the room. Olivier Biodefense® is a worldwide distributor of the Synexis® BioDefense System. Visit to learn more about this technology.
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Olivier International® also installs and maintains the Synexis® BioDefense System for Olivier Biodefense®. Synexis® is the sole developer of innovative Dry Hydrogen Peroxide (DHP™) that fights viruses, bacteria, mold, odors, and insects. DHP™ attacks microbes both in the air and on surfaces. Made from naturally occurring elements already in the air, DHP™ is designed to safely and effectively break down pathogens—flowing freely and continuously through indoor spaces to reduce the presence of microbes in the air and on surfaces, with no reliance on the exchange of air and without anyone ever needing to leave the room. Olivier Biodefense® is a worldwide distributor of the Synexis® BioDefense System. Visit to learn more about this technology.

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