Corporate Social Responsibility

Olivier International is committed to an operating philosophy based on ethics considering human rights as well as the social, economic, and environmental impacts in serving our customers and our responsibilities to the communities within which we operate.

Our Vision

To be the industry leader in inspection and engineering solutions, safely delivering services and products of unparalleled quality and consistency

Our Mission

Olivier International Mission is to consistently provide our clients with the most innovative methods of inspection and engineering services that will improve their overall asset integrity programs.

Our Core Values

Be responsible for our actions and decisions
Committed to God, family and the communities in which we live and work
Exercise complete communication and extraordinary listening
Bring new technology, processes and ideas to fulfill our mission
Conduct ourselves in an ethical and professional manner, always respecting each other, our clients and our vendors
Produce unprecedented results through collaboration and empowerment
Produce outcomes that exceed expectations by being committed to the success of our clients
Ensure the well-being of each individual will never be compromised

Our Business Approach

Collaborate with our clients to determine their needs in order to provide cost effective solutions that will enable safe and reliable operations
Plan & Allocate
Assign experienced, dedicated personnel to each project based on the specific needs and scope of the project
Hold pre-job meetings with operations managers and field personnel to discuss inspection plans and determine the proper equipment and job duties
Empower our personnel to provide a final product that consistently exceeds our clients’ expectations in a safe, timely and professional manner

Our Commitment to Quality

Quality begins with a commitment to excellence. We are committed to attracting, recruiting, employing, and retaining the top professionals in our industry. We accomplish this by training, mentoring, and educating our employees through an innovative continuous improvement program.

Our Commitment to Safety

Safety will never be compromised. We believe that all accidents are preventable, both at home and on the job. Our proactive approach to accident avoidance is accomplished through a behavorial-based safety program that identifies and eliminates workplace hazards.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Olivier International’s key focus in the area of protecting the environment and waste management is source reduction/elimination and environmentally sound recycling. Reduction and/or elimination of waste at its source are the key to a sound program. For those products in which elimination is not possible, only environmentally sound recycling will be utilized.

Our goals are as follows:
  • To use as few hazardous waste products as possible.
  • To replace hazardous waste products with non-hazardous waste products whenever possible.
  • To eliminate or alter processes that generate hazardous waste so that hazardous waste is not generated.
  • Manage stocks to prevent expiration.
  • Ensure that all processes that generate hazardous waste are designed to ensure that only minimal amounts are generated.
  • Ensure that hazardous wastes that are generated are recyclable and/ or returnable to the supplier. Our objective is that we generate as little waste as possible and none that requires disposal.
  • Ensure that only waste generated by our firm at our facility through preapproved processes are the only waste accepted or located at our facility. (I.e., spent abrasive, paint waste, drums)
  • Demonstrate genuine concern for the environment through our actions.
  • The key is to avoid whenever possible the use of materials which become hazardous waste. We must as well understand that we cannot legally transfer our responsibility for a hazardous waste by allowing someone else to dispose of it.
Top view of diverse people hands holding together in circle

Our Commitment to Diversity

Olivier International is an equal opportunity employer. We embrace and celebrate the unique and diverse background of every team member. Proudly based in the United States of America, Olivier International echos the sentiments of our founding fathers that all individuals are created equal, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law. The strength of our company continues to grow by hiring exceptional people from a wide variety of backgrounds. Our employees’ welfare and interests are foremost throughout all aspects of our business and how we conduct our affairs.

Olivier International is committed to:
  • Creating an environment of success based on honesty and integrity;
  • Equitable sharing in the success of the company;
  • Empowerment through training and communication;
  • Individual growth and equal opportunity;
  • Designing and providing a safe and secure work environment.

Our Commitment to our Customers

Customer needs are paramount and represent the highest priority within our business. Our obligation is to proactively seek out and define customer needs while addressing all requests expeditiously without creating false expectations.

Community Engagement

Olivier International connects and engages with businesses and community leaders affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations. We conduct business in accordance with ethical standards, applicable laws and regulations, and strive to improve the quality of life within our surrounding communities.

Olivier International® also installs and maintains the Synexis® BioDefense System for Olivier Biodefense®. Synexis® is the sole developer of innovative Dry Hydrogen Peroxide (DHP™) that fights viruses, bacteria, mold, odors, and insects. DHP™ attacks microbes both in the air and on surfaces. Made from naturally occurring elements already in the air, DHP™ is designed to safely and effectively break down pathogens—flowing freely and continuously through indoor spaces to reduce the presence of microbes in the air and on surfaces, with no reliance on the exchange of air and without anyone ever needing to leave the room. Olivier Biodefense® is a worldwide distributor of the Synexis® BioDefense System. Visit to learn more about this technology.

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